By Francisco Beroiz
Power outages always cause headaches to the commercial and residential users, even more so in the present days, in which the use of electrical energy has become indispensable. But as we know, electrical systems are highly vulnerable to adverse weather conditions, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and tropical storms.
Most people would think this is not an issue to be concerned with right now since the 2020 hurricane season has just ended. But if you are thinking about installing a standby emergency system for the next season, this is the time to start your project.
Because the current pandemic has affected not only the logistics chains but also the manufacturing lines, transportation as well as the approval of permitting and inspection times from all Cities’ Building Departments.
This type of project needs to be planned well in advance, since surveys, engineering documents, load calculations, plans and various documents are required before starting the permitting process and equipment installation.
Based on recent experience, the minimum lead time for a standard 22kW natural gas generator and transfer switch is at least 18 to 20 weeks from order placement to equipment shipment. As you can see, if you get your project approved and order today, the equipment can be expected to arrive just in time for the next hurricane season.
So, now it’s the time to be prepared as we are trying to look beyond the immediate future.
Francisco Beroiz is an Electrical Engineer with 18 years’ experience in the electrical field, and he is the new Manager at Al Siefert Electric (Lic.#EC0002423)
The articles he writes are about matters of interest and questions from his customers. Please call Francisco if you have questions concerning electric service, installation, and repair.
(954) 493-9411