Swimming around boats docked behind someone’s house or at a marina can be dangerous if there is electrical current leakage in the water. This can happen when the current being supplied to a boat is not returning to its source through the power cord. This lost current is finding other ways to get back to its source.
The way to check this is with a good clamp on a meter that measures the current in the wire. The current on the black wire of a 120-volt system should be the same on the white wire. If the current is off even slightly, the missing current is finding a different path to its source. Many times this path is through the water around the boat or any metal in contact with the water, or on the boat. So, if you have your boat behind your home plugged into the shore power you may not have any leakage but at some point, the air conditioner or the refrigerator may start leaking small amounts of current and then you could have a problem. The marinas are even scarier because you do not know anything about the boat sitting in the slip next to you. While your boat may be in perfect shape there could still be dangerous in the water.
There are new codes to help protect us from these dangers. The Ground Fault circuit breaker should be installed at the service supplying power to the dock. These devices are engineered to trip at 4-6 milliamps. this level is accepted as the maximum harmless current the body can survive. However, it is very painful with some muscle contractions. Anything over that a number are potentially deadly.
These newer code changes are enforced on new installations at residential homes and marinas but many existing docks have not been upgraded to Ground Fault protection. It is advised to stay out of the water at these locations.
Lastly, your boat generator can also leak current into the water. If you have not had your boat inspected by a certified mechanic it may be best to leave the generator off if you are anchored out and people are swimming in the water.
Al is a State Licensed Electrical Contractor and owner of Al Siefert Electric. The articles he writes are about items of interest and questions from his customers. Please call Al if you have questions concerning electric service, installation, and repair.
(954) 493-9411